Friday, March 28, 2008

Take Your Self To Work Day

First of all, I want to assure you all that this prolific blog posting will soon cease once I start work on Monday. Partly because I'll have less time, partly because fewer exciting things will be happening, I's just not that interesting to read about how I went to work and did some work and checked email and looked on my blog for comments and came home. So fear not, you'll soon have your lives back just as I start to get one of my own!

On the subject of work, I visited campus earlier this week. I wanted to do a dry run of my commute. It's a short tram ride, about 15 minutes, up to Caulfield where Monash has a campus. Ah, if only this were the campus where I was going to be working. But alas, such is not the case so once I arrive at the Caulfield campus, I switch to the free, intercampus shuttle which runs continuously between the campuses, about every 25 minutes. So, its an easy commute but the combination of shuttle service and tram service means I actually have to take a 7:45 AM tram in order to be in Caufield in time for the 8:20 shuttle. Which is why I am optimistic about getting a car from Adi's brother soon. But I'll deal with that adventure when it comes to pass.

Upon arriving at the Clayton campus--incidentally, you, like me, may wonder if the Aboriginal languages feature "C" words more than others. In addition to Caulfield and Clayton, there's Collingwood (our biggest footy rival), Carlton, Camberwell, Croydon, Cheltenham, Chadstone, not to mention Chapel and Carlisle streets, just to name a few.

Anyway, upon arriving at the Clayton campus, which is the main campus of Monash, I was struck by how it, like Brown, was founded in the 60's. Of course, Brown was founded in the 1760's and Monash wasn't founded until almost 200 years later, in the 1960's (okay, fine, technically, in 1958 but most buildings were built in the 60's). The architecture of the campus reflects its place in history so all the finer design features of that time are present. Details like concrete, rectangles and squares and virtually nothing of any distinction fills the campus. Happily, one of the less communist-looking buildings is where I'm housed, in a square red and steel structure, the home of the Centre for Medical and Health Sciences Education.

To be fair, the campus does have beautiful landscaping and between my building and the Campus Centre- which is similar to Faunce (for the Brunonians) or the UMC (for the Boulderites) or a student union for the rest of y'all... there is a little garden footpath.

I poked my head in the building to discover that my entire department is out for the week, which explains why no one was that concerned about me not starting till next week. Then I had to get to HR to turn in some paperwork. I asked at the centre and she suggested the easiest way to get there was to drive. Given my lack of a vehicle, she then gave me directions. It was far. Think Pembroke- Perkins (Brown). Or East Campus to the Hill (Boulder). Or one place to another place that's really far away (everyone else).

As I began my trek, I started to rethink my choice of footwear- new clogs that I imagine will eventually become more comfortable, once they've finished devouring chunks of skin off of my big toe. Just as I realized that I'd been holding my map upside down and walking even farther from my destination, Mother Nature decided it was time to end the drought. I like a good rainstorm as much as the next girl, but not nearly as much as my newly forming blisters did. I ducked into the gym, which is actually a great facility I plan to join.

After waiting out the major downpour, I continued my long walk to HR. I glanced at my offer letter, signed by what looked like Carla Demaio. I asked for her at the desk and out she came. She couldn't place me and after going back and checking her files a few times, asked to see my letter. This was not a very good feeling. Turns out, my letter was signed by CarlO DemaLo. AN honest mistake, but I was a bit confused that it didn't occur to her sooner that this was the mistake. Their names differ by 2 letters... surely I'm not the first person to make the mistake, considering the signature goes through the typed version of the name, obscuring the "o" at the end of Carlo.

It won't be a problem anymore as they then informed me that Carlo has taken off on a world tour. They went to fetch his replacement and out comes Rebecca, a sweet, fourteen year old, or so, who informs me excitedly that today is her very first day. And I'm her first "case". Really? Her first case in HR is an international placement requiring all sorts of visa paperworks and forms. They couldn't start her off with, say, someone from Sydney? Needless to say she couldn't really answer any of my questions and I'm now fairly confident I'm going to be deported.

I have heard from my boss since then so I'm feeling more excited and less demoralized, albeit a little overwhelmed as she sent me my weeks schedule for next week and I'm going to hit the ground running. Too bad I haven't started at the gym yet!

We had a fun night at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. We went on tight-arse Tuesday where things are a little cheaper. We saw a mediocre sketch comedy show and then a very funny comedian who is a secret American. HE explained why he doesn't tell anyone that he's from the US, an described a scenario with visiting relatives who angrily demanded of their waitress "We're from the states. Do you people have sandwiches here?" (and the answer is yes, they do). I hope I'm less obnoxious.

Before the show, we had a great dinner in China Lane. Adi calls it China Town, but its really just one street long. In any case, it was cheap and quick and if I don't know it's meat than it doesn't count i figure!

Gearing up for a mellow weekend and getting excited about work. I'll keep ya posted!


Joanna Stansbury said...

The walk in the rain sounds lovely in your posting, even though it might not have been so lovely at the time :) Good luck at work on Monday!

Unknown said...

Tough transition, going back to work and all, but it should keep things interesting for you. Thanks for the posts, and be well.

Amy Kopkin said...

Enjoy your first day at work! We are going to look at wedding sites in Estes Park this weekend since my mom is in town. Can you believe they don't let you have a wedding at a rental house in Estes Park. It's some city ordinance or something to make you have the wedding at a fancy location with a big price tag. How weird. Can't wait to hear about your next adventures.

Anonymous said...

To fit in, should you change your name to Cheryl?????